Friday 28 November 2014

The Guardian features our Love Letter to Arundel Library

Happy Black Friday!  We'd like to end this week on a slightly more positive note than rampant consumerism (unless you're buying our books that is, in which case ... ramp on!).

In conjunction with Book Week Scotland, the Guardian newspaper has been running a week of Love Letters to Libraries.  In this special feature, writers and illustrators have been given the opportunity to craft letters that celebrate the million wonderful reasons why libraries are awesome.

The list of talented souls who have already contributed is rather mind blowing. Chris Riddell, Jacqueline Wilson, Alexander McCall Smith, Al Kennedy ... and US!  Yes, it's true.

Today, you can read our letter on the Guardian site, HERE, rendered as a full comic page of fun and nonsense.  But the message at its heart is true. We grew up opposite the little library in Arundel, West Sussex.  The building was an ever present part of our childhood, and I even worked there for a short period as an assistant, stamping books and shelving adventures.  My joy of reading was cemented in that space, and I'm forever grateful to the staff for making the experience such a pleasurable one.

The comic has been printed a little small elsewhere, but here's the full letter at it's original size - click the image to open, then click the image again to read and enjoy in full!

Monday 24 November 2014

Hooray! It's Book Week Scotland!

Any opportunity to celebrate books gets the thumbs up from us Etheringtons.  Book Week Scotland takes place every November - where scores of authors and creators present events in libraries, schools, community centres and workspaces - and we're delighted to be returning to perform two shows in St Andrews as part of this brilliant week. 

The fun week starts today and wraps on the 30th. The full programme of events can be found HERE.

We're also thrilled that the good staff at the Scottish Book Trust have selected Monkey Nuts as one of their four "Comic Gold" reads!  When the other titles are Sherlock Holmes, Calvin and Hobbes and Conan, you're got to be happy!

Here's to a fantastic week of events. We hope to see some of you there.

Friday 21 November 2014

WOW! They've only GONE and LONG listed DON!

Afternoon folks.  This is an exciting little end to the week.  The wonderful team over at the Redbridge Children's Book Award have paid us the ultimate compliment by including Long Gone Don on their long list for the 2015 award. And what a list it is...

This is the first time EVER, that a graphic novel or comic book has made the list!  You can imagine how proud this makes us.  And best of all, the titles were chosen by the children themselves.

The short list will be announced in March so fingers crossed we make the cut, but either way this is an absolutely awesome day for pictures and words, and our little buddy, Don.

More exciting news soon, as we head into Book Week Scotland.

Thursday 20 November 2014

How and why I draw with Biros

Hey folks, my latest update over on my Deluxe Collection 2 kickstarter included a little break-down of how I go about Biro sketching, as I got a load of questions during the campaign about my process. Here it is for you loyal blog readers too, I hope it's of interest!


Wednesday 19 November 2014

My Life ...

Something a little different today.  Ahead of our forthcoming trip to Fife for Scottish Book Week, I recently had the chance to contribute to the Press and Journal's "My Life" column, and I couldn't resist . Their questions were brilliant.

Here's the full article from Saturday's paper - hope it makes you smile! Not sure what it says about me, but this is definitely a slice of My Life...

Sunday 16 November 2014

Massive 20% sale off all our books until Monday!

Hey folks, just wanted to pop in and let you know that the Phoenix store is having an Etherington Brothers book sale this weekend only, offering you 20% off all our books until Monday! The perfect opportunity to load up on Chritmas prezzies!

Just GO HERE, and scroll down, all the books are there, all with 20% off!



Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Cartoonist's club of Great Britain review Don!

We're very proud to say that the folks over at the Cartoonist's Club of Great Britain have given Long Gone Don a great review, which you can read HERE! A huge thanks to the guys over at the club for taking the time to review the book! Cheers!


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Tuesday 4 November 2014

1000% FUNDED! Free print!

Hey folks, to celebrate the ole' Deluxe Collection hitting the epic 1000% funded landmark, all tiers £30 and above will now receive an 8.5" x 8.5" print of "Late for Work". This print is totally exclusive to kickstarter, and is just for you guys. Thank you all so much!

20 hours to go!


Monday 3 November 2014

Two Days left!

Hey folks, you have just two days left to get your copy of The Deluxe Collection 2 on kickstarter! Here's a few more pieces from inside the book!
