Friday, 9 April 2010

Mezolith Book Launch

So, Bob and I were lucky enough to be at the Mezolith Book launch last night, and what a lot of fun it was! Sarah McIntyre (genius creator of the DFC's Vern and Lettuce amongst other children's book-based delights) has blogged about it, so I'm going to shamelessly steal one of her photos and then point you in the direction of HER BLOG ABOUT IT to see more and read all about the night.

Oh, and buy Mezolith HERE, because frankly it's incredible, and I don't say that lightly! I'll be posting a bit of fanart up for the book very soon!
This pic from the night shows a whole host of DFC creators together:

(Front Row) Adam Brockbank and Ben Haggarty (Mezolith), (Back row) from left: Your pal Lorenzo, Dave Morris (Mirabilis), Sarah McIntyre (Vern and Lettuce), Emma Vieceli (Violet), David Fickling (publisher), Patrice Aggs (The Boss), James Turner (Super Animal Adventure Squad, John Aggs (John Blake, The Boss), and finally Robin!
