So it was with immense joy that last Thursday night we arrived at the Holland Park branch of Daunt Books and discovered this...
A tasteful display, an elegant presentation ... and, most importantly, it filled the entire window!
More fun was to be found inside in the form of booooooooooooooooooooooks...
...and our wonderful wives, Esther and Mimi, here seen making our banner look incredibly shabby in comparison to their pure glamour!
Before any of the action took place we were interviewed by Alex Fitch from Panelborders. Alex had brought a big bag of great questions with him and we discussed everything from Malcolm Magic to our future projects, why our stories always feature characters falling, how Lorenzo's approach to art has developed and a whole bunch of other gubbins. As soon as the interview is online we'll post a link.
Then it was time for a glass of wine and some quality chitchat with the horde of friends, fans, family and Ficklings who had turned out in force to have fun.
In a DFC Library moment of WOW, Sarah McIntyre (creator of the beautiful Vern and Lettuce), James Turner (creator of the action comedy Super Animal Adventure Squad) John Aggs (writer on The Boss and artist on Philip Pullman's John Blake) and our very own Chief Tuft, David Fickling join us in a single picture. Remarkable!
A gaggle of awesomeness caught in one shot - Kirsten Armstrong (editor supreme), Laurence Beck (Phoenix comic designer and all round nice guy) and two more Ficklings, Rose (daughter) and Caro (Mother and the brains controlling the Phoenix machine).
Andie Tong (artist on Tron, Spiderman and Thor to name but a few) smiles while Lorenzo tries out his "stern" face. Or is it his "smelt something funny" face?
Here I stand with the wonderful Tilda Johnson and Kirsten - the duel power behind the unfathomable organisational and editorial book process. So many beautiful ladies, so much wine ... sigh ... great times!
Will Fickling (editor on Monkey Nuts and our brand new project - news of that coming soon) and John Aggs hang around looking cooler than us. Thanks a bunch, guys.

In a rare moment of cruelty we mistake our best friend in the publishing world, the ever-awesome Lauren Bennett (who we couldn't live without) for a leaning post. The rabbit punches to the kidneys we received shortly afterwards stand as a reminder to NEVER do this again. EVER.
These events often offer a chance to catch up with friends you haven't seen for ages, and uber-talented mates Kris Dyer (one half of the writing team behind the magnificent Radio 4 series 'On the Blog') and James Gillingham (award-winning playwright) are just such a pair. Here they are seen helping me promote spectacles as THE must-have accessory for the truly discerning artist.
Just ... Just ... SO MANY LOVELY PEOPLE!!!
Wow ... anyway, after enough wine and twiglets and peanuts and grapes and sweets had been consumed, David Fickling took to the floor and gave a memorable turn as compere before I babbled on about cornfields, the sophomore slump and explained the finer points of our creative process: "Lorenzo no likey, Lorenzo no drawey."
Then it was on to the signing ... which was, quite simply IMMENSE! When a book shop kicks you out and there're STILL folks wanting to get their books daubed, you know you've had a good launch. In fact, poor Lorenzo's drawing hand has been in a sling ever since!
For some (the sensible) the night ended there, and for others it was just getting warmed up (ahem).
We wish to thank everyone who made this evening possible - David, as ever, for publishing and championing our work, Lauren for working tirelessly to bring all the action together (sorry again for leaning on you), Daunt Books for having us, our wives for putting up with us, and each and every one of you wonderful people who turned up to celebrate.