"Reading for pleasure is at the heart of The Phoenix comic. Packed full of brilliant stories by some of the best illustrators and writers in the business, it caters for all reading abilities and tastes, for children age 6-12 years. With no adverts or commercial gimmicks, The Phoenix comic is the top choice for children in the UK who want reading to be fun!"
Our thoughts exactly!! With regular strips by a list of artists that reads like a who's who of children's comics, including Jamie Smart, Jamie Littler, Adam Murphy, Gary Northfield, Dave Shelton, Dan Boultwood, Neill Cameron, Zak Simmonds-Hurn, James Turner, Robert Deas and Wilbar Dawbarn, there really is nothing like it!
Here's that awesome issue 1oo cover (draw by the ever-brilliant Matt Baxter), along with a gallery of all our covers to date! Enjoy!