Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Get Freaky & Fearless 2 EARLY at the Edinburgh Book Festival - this Friday!

It's just RAINING treats in the Etherington factory of fun at the moment!

Following Lorenzo's Stranski print wonder, we're delighted to announce that Robin's Freaky & Fearless 2: The Art of Being a Freak has just arrived from the printers!

And it's a thing of BEAUTY.  Jan Bielecki has done another fantastic job on the art, bringing this wild tale to life.

How do you get your hands on this gem?  The first opportunity will be this Friday when Robin will be appearing, performing and signing at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. The show starts at 4pm in the Baillie Gifford Imagination Lab, and you can buy your ticket HERE! 

We hope to see you there!