Friday, 6 April 2018

£243K ($343,000) 24,000% funded, the UK's MOST SUCCESSFUL COMICS KICKSTARTER of ALL TIME. THANK YOU!

Guys, you took this crazy free tutorial project of mine and turned it into a £243,000 kickstarter, I am so SO grateful for the support and love you've all shown me through this campaign, it is MASSIVELY appreciated. You have no idea how wonderful this has been to watch unfold, and what it means in terms of how much more free online content I can now put out each week. What an amazing community of kind, generous and inspiring creators you all are.
The fun bit for me is only just beginning, though, because I LOVE what comes next. Drawing sketches, signing, boxing and sending all these books out across the world is soooooo exciting for me, and this time I get to do THOUSANDS of them! :) I'll be back in about a week or so to give you a FULL BREAKDOWN of what will be happening between now and the books being delivered to you in September. If you have any questions just message me through kickstarter or email me at, I'll usually get back to you within 24 hours at the most.
Right, I'm off for a celebratory glass of banana milkshake and a pizza :)
Sending you all a huge cheers, and tons of love,