Sunday 24 July 2011

When Writers Draw they Draw Themselves...

A little light relief for a Sunday evening. I found this picture while sorting through my computer's incredibly messy photo files and thought it was worth sharing.

Over the course of the 2011 Bristol Comic Expo, our good friend Jess Bradley ran an activity called Draw Yourself As A Zombie. It proved to be immensely popular, and when she reached our table Lorenzo leaped instantly into action, desperate to capture the essence of his zombie self.

But then something strange happened. For the first time in YEARS I felt compelled to have a scribble myself.

And so, behold ... my first ever pic on our blog!!!

(From left to right: Me, Lorenzo and Jess)

I have to admit I was rather pleased with my effort. Sure, Lorenzo's had cool bone-framed glasses and glowing eyes, but my pic featured an arrow, a sticky plaster and a chunk of exposed brain! Ahem.

More VITAL news as it breaks.

- Robin

Friday 22 July 2011

Dandy Readers rise to the Yore challenge!

A short while ago the UK's Dandy comic ran a fantastic YORE competition, in which readers were asked to design a monster capable of scaring Piggy, Elfin and Doombar. No mean feat, I can assure you!

After many lengthy debates ten fantastic entries were selected for display in this week's issue.
Here's a little taster of their genius.

Heaps of creative praise are now raining down upon the shoulders of Hamish, Brooke, Adam, Joseph, Joshua, Liam, William, Toby, Flynn and the mysterious tenth entrant who forgot to write their name down (doh!). Well done, one and all.

And remember, folks: today's competition entrants are the comic creators of tomorrow, so rush out, buy a copy and check out the future talent on offer.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Monkey Nuts Nominated for an Award!

We are absolutely over the moon today, as we've just learned that Monkey Nuts: The Diamond Egg of Wonders (currently only £7.30 on Amazon - bargain) has been shortlisted in the 2011 Young People's Graphic Novel Awards as part of the extended Leeds Book Awards!

Aside from the fact that this is basically just completely AWESOME news, we are doubly delighted to receive this nomination as it falls in the same year that we'll be making our debut appearance at the Thought Bubble Comic festival.

To top it all off, last year's award was won by our very good friend, Dave Shelton with his marvelous book Good Dog, Bad Dog. Can DFC lightening strike twice? We won't know until November 18th so fingers crossed, friends...

Monday 18 July 2011

Wednesday 13 July 2011


It's DANDY DAAAAAY! Whoop! Get ready to take to the water as piggy says:

Go get your copy and watch Piggy, Doombar and Elfin fight a giant sluggy thing! Yeah! That's entertainment!


Monday 11 July 2011

Stranski : Horus

So, we have several books and series well into production at the moment, but I can't show you anything from any of them! In fact, the only book I can show you work from at the moment is Stranski, so I'm going to be doing a bit of that for a while, hope you enjoy!


Thursday 7 July 2011

El Sketchbook Lorenzo Deluxe Collection is BACK!

Uh-huh! You read it right! The big boy's back! After many many emails with our print on demand supplier Lulu, we've finally got my El Sketchbook Lorenzo Deluxe Collection back up online and available to buy. For those of you who've never heard of this book, it's 600 pages of sketches, concepts, unseen comics, promo art, tutorials and a whole lot of stuff besides. You can buy it through our store HERE and it can be delivered ANYWHERE in the world!

Make the perfect gift/toilet book/doorstop etc.


Wednesday 6 July 2011

Dandy day!

Get down your newsagents! A brand new YORE! quest starts today, in which Elfin and Piggy say:


Sunday 3 July 2011

On the Move

Hey folks! Finally got the ole' scissors and glue out and made the attached change of address card, thought you might like to see it!


Friday 1 July 2011

Stranski - The Loose Tooth

Hey folks! It's been a long time, but the dust is finally settling and the new house is coming together, along with my new studio, which is about 70% built as we speak. Thought I'd better come back in here with something truly new, so here, for yer' eyeballs, is a brand new piece from my book Stranski, more of which you can see through our older posts.

Oh, and top work on all the blogging while I was away, Bobby!

