Saturday 27 February 2010


It’s the 1st of the Month and it’s a Monday, which can only mean one thing - BIG PHAT CHUNKY COMIC NEWS DAY!

Regular readers of this blog, and our former studioblinktwice blogspot, will have heard tell of numerous book deals that we completed last year. We’ve already announced our first volume, Monkey Nuts: The Diamond Egg of Wonders (more exciting info on that one coming soon) but today is NEW book day!

We are currently to be found embedded in our little Bristol studio, working side by side and living off a diet of tea, coffee, cream soda and toast as we painstakingly produce page after glorious page for our next sequential adventure - a bande dessinée format graphic tale to be released as part of the 2011 DFC Library line-up.

Entitled BAGGAGE, it tells the tale of … oooooooooooh! You almost tricked us there! No, this is one story that is best savoured in small delectable slices and as such we will be drip-feeding you exclusives and teasers each month. Trust us ... you’re in safe hands...

To whet the appetite (lot of eating references today ... must be hungry!) here’s our first teaser pic. Paint your desktop with this bad boy and spread the word. The BAGGAGE is coming home...

Monday 22 February 2010

5 Weeks to One Man Army Exhibition!

So, the clock is ticking away, and it's now just under 5 weeks until the opening of my Solo exhibition One Man Army here in Bristol. As mentioned before, the show will feature 7 new paintings and a series of new prints, all limited to truly exclusive runs of ONE. That's right, there'll be just one of each of the prints, so if you get one, you know it's properly exclusive, and yours will be the only wall it'll be hanging on! Today's web flyer features one of these prints, enjoy!

Details of how to get to the gallery can be found HERE


Friday 5 February 2010

To misquote Han Solo ... I have a GOOD feeling about this...

Calling all Star Wars fans, young and old! I'm proud to announce that the latest issue of Titan's Star Wars comic, featuring a ten-page tale of action and intrigue written by me, has finally landed! In 'Droid Deception' the inimatable Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu lead a surprise attack against a battleship workshop located in deep space. But when dealing with the seperatists, nothing is ever as easy as it first appears...

For a sneak peek of the story, beautifully illustrated by Andres Ponce, read on.

Keep your eyes glued to the blog for more Star Wars news. There are many more heroic tales to come!


You can place a subscription for the monthly title HERE or visit your latest newsagent to grab a copy fresh off the press!