Tuesday 26 February 2013

Win this super-rare Von Doogan Souvenir Poster!

That's right, chums! We're currently half way through The Great Air Race adventure with Von Doogan in The Phoenix, which means you don't have many chances left to win one of these exclusive giant posters! To be in with a chance of snagging one, see the latest copy of the world's best weekly comic! Each week's Doogan winner ALSO receives a very special certificate of Airborne Awesomeness, but I can't show you that, because it's Top Secret!

Click the pic to go LARGE!


Monday 25 February 2013

Imagine Children's Festival Report!

Yesterday I traveled to London to host the closing show for the Imagine Children's Festival, at the Southbank Centre.  As with all new children's festivals I had no idea what to expect, but the good people behind Imagine had claimed that they would be allowing children to take over the Southbank Centre ... and they did not disappoint!  As I reached the venue I was delighted to discover that every window, pillar, table and wall in the building was emblazoned with colourful characters like these two friends below...

I headed for the Clore Ballroom, the giant performance space that would be home to my comic antics.  Streams of lights were hung from the ceiling giving the room a festive feel. And there were lots and lots and LOTS of children.

But before I took to the stage, the place completely emptied.  My slot was preceded by a brilliant Pantone pen sponsored colouring event that the kids ripped into with wild enthusiasm.  All the paper and pens and general excitable mess had to be cleared away, which meant that I suddenly found myself staring out into an empty foyer with only five minutes to go.  It's hard enough performing without the assistance of my brilliant brother, but doing it to an empty room would have been a low point.

I was, however, worrying unnecessarily.  Summoned by the compere the crowd appeared ... and then appeared ... and then kept on APPEARING!

There were children of all ages present, from four to fourteen, and they truly helped make this a very special event.  I even experienced my first stage invasion - just look at this little fellow go!

After holding the giggling loon upside down on stage, I managed to locate his parents (that trick always works) and the show charged onwards.  Afterwards, every child was given copies of the Etherington Brothers' free comic workbook AND a free copy of the Phoenix Comic.

Then I headed to the Foyles stand for a book signing, which brings me nicely to the very best bit of performing live - meeting the next generation of creators.

The remarkably talented boy below is Lewis - a huge comic fan (Phoenix, Beano, Dandy and more) and a superb artist and writer.  He had brought with him a HUGE pile of his own comics (he's written over a hundred issues!) just for me to look at ... and I was simply blown away by the boy's talent.

His characters, colour work, invention and understanding of how a good comic strip WORKS, left me speechless.  Only thirteen years old and he's already a pro.

Phoenix fans should keep a look out for Lewis and his wonderful work, as he'll be popping up on Twitter, the blog and possibly even in the comic soon.  This one's a real talent to watch out for.

Many thanks to Tom and all at the Phoenix for bringing our comic fun to London and for all the folks at the Imagine Festival for allowing me to prance around the stage like an idiot.  I had a great time and we look forward to returning next year.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

The DFC Paperback Library is COMING!

We've some VERY exciting news to share today.  August the 1st is set to be a HUGE comic day, as it will see the release of not one, not two, not three, not four, not five ... but SIX comic adventures in pocket-money-priced paperback form!  WOO HOO!

Random House and David Fickling Books are breathing new life into the amazing DFC Library Collection by launching the first wave of paperback tales from some of the biggest names in children's comics and books.  What a line up it is...

Monkey Nuts Book 1, Good Dog Bad Dog, Mo-bot High, Super Animal Adventure Squad, Vern and Lettuce, and - collected for the first time EVER - Jamie Smart's incredibly funny Fish Head Steve!!!

At £6.99 a pop these books are sure to make friends wherever they land. Pre-orders are now available from Amazon HERE!

We'll be talking more about where to find these books later in the year (when we'll be confirming launch action and festival dates) but now's the time to start spreading the good word.  If this collection does well then there'll hopefully be a second series.  And that might include Baggage ... and some all new Monkey Nuts action!

But first things first, go out and tell the world - the all-ages comic explosion is coming.  Children deserve great stories, parents need help tracking them down, and book sellers need to know that they're stocking the good stuff ... so let's make sure they ALL know about this brilliant collection.

Monday 18 February 2013

The Etherington Brothers @ The Imagine Children's Festival

If you planning to be in London this weekend, and you fancy a giggle, why not treat yourself and head for the Southbank Centre, where I will be attempting to represent BOTH brothers in a special live show at the Royal Festival Hall!  Whoop!

I'll be appearing as part of the Imagine Children's Festival, a week long explosion of events for young readers and creators and lovers of books, art, dance and acting.

The action comes to an end on Sunday 24th, and as part of the closing festivities I will be taking to the stage to bring the world of storytelling and drawing to life with the help of lots and lots of giggles.  Best of all, it's FREE!!!!  Every child/parent in attendance will get a bonus FREE (I do like that word) copy of our comic-making workbook. How's that for a special offer?

So, if you're in the mood to peek inside the creative mind of an Etherington to find out where all our ideas come from, just head to the Southbank Centre. I'll be onstage at 3pm in the Royal Festival Hall.

Be sure to stop by and say hello!

- Robin

Thursday 14 February 2013

Most awesome Valentines Day animation everrrr!

Awesome animation by David Besnier. Click the image (opens in new window), watch, then forward to the one you love!


Wednesday 13 February 2013

Long Gone Don Environments...

A few Vistas from the most recent episodes of Long Gone Don from the Phoenix!



Thursday 7 February 2013

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Taking Liberties

Happy Tuesday to you all!

Today it's time for a regular dose of Cybertronian celebrations, as we usher in a new issue of Titan's Transformers Prime comic.  This title had only just hit the newsstands and it's a corker ... and yes, it features a new Etherington adventure! Whoop!

In Protecting The Lady, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are tasked with ... well ... protecting the lady!  The lady in question is the Statue of Liberty - that mighty symbol of independence.  It seems that cheeky scamp, Megatron, is keen to deal a body blow to the very spirit of humanity by destroying the statue live on air!  Can the Autobots foil his scheme?  I sure hope so!

You can pick up a copy of the comic pretty much anywhere, and you can order it online HERE!