Regular readers of this blog, and our former studioblinktwice blogspot, will have heard tell of numerous book deals that we completed last year. We’ve already announced our first volume, Monkey Nuts: The Diamond Egg of Wonders (more exciting info on that one coming soon) but today is NEW book day!
We are currently to be found embedded in our little Bristol studio, working side by side and living off a diet of tea, coffee, cream soda and toast as we painstakingly produce page after glorious page for our next sequential adventure - a bande dessinée format graphic tale to be released as part of the 2011 DFC Library line-up.
Entitled BAGGAGE, it tells the tale of … oooooooooooh! You almost tricked us there! No, this is one story that is best savoured in small delectable slices and as such we will be drip-feeding you exclusives and teasers each month. Trust us ... you’re in safe hands...
To whet the appetite (lot of eating references today ... must be hungry!) here’s our first teaser pic. Paint your desktop with this bad boy and spread the word. The BAGGAGE is coming home...