Having just spent a wonderful weekend celebrating the marriage of Lorenzo and his blushing bride, Esther (more on the wedding of the decade, including pics, tomorrow) I have returned to our studio to discover Monkey Nuts & The Diamond Egg of Wonders is now available to ship from Amazon!
Here's a picture of a young Lorenzo celebrating the great news!
For everyone who had pre-ordered the book, we hope your copies have arrived safe and sound and are busily being devoured. If you enjoy the experience be sure to leave a review so that other readers can get an idea of just how much silliness lies in wait between those two glorious hardback covers!
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Welcome to the party, pals!
Dearest friends, fans and family,
It is our utmost pleasure to invite you ALL to the launch night jamboree for our new graphic novel, Monkey Nuts & The Diamond Egg of Wonders!
And here (TA-DA!!) is your swanky invite in all its swanky glory!
Now if you'd like to attend (and we would LOVE to see you there - every last giggling one of you!) we'd be jolly grateful if you could ping us an RSVP to theetheringtonbrothers@hotmail.co.uk, with a rough idea of numbers (you are welcome to bring as many book hungry friends as you like). This way we'll be able to make sure there's enough stock (and wine) for everyone!
Remember - this is a RARE opportunity to get your copy signed by not one but TWO Etheringtons ... at the SAME TIME!
Woo HOO!
We look forward to seeing you all for a night of high-fives and general amusement.
Bring on the 7th October!
It is our utmost pleasure to invite you ALL to the launch night jamboree for our new graphic novel, Monkey Nuts & The Diamond Egg of Wonders!
And here (TA-DA!!) is your swanky invite in all its swanky glory!
Now if you'd like to attend (and we would LOVE to see you there - every last giggling one of you!) we'd be jolly grateful if you could ping us an RSVP to theetheringtonbrothers@hotmail.co.uk, with a rough idea of numbers (you are welcome to bring as many book hungry friends as you like). This way we'll be able to make sure there's enough stock (and wine) for everyone!
Remember - this is a RARE opportunity to get your copy signed by not one but TWO Etheringtons ... at the SAME TIME!
Woo HOO!
We look forward to seeing you all for a night of high-fives and general amusement.
Bring on the 7th October!
Monday, 23 August 2010
9 days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
Well, we're nearly there! Boy, this is EXCITIN'! Nine days until you can get your mitts on THIS BOOK!
Here's a sneak peek at one of the splash pages that appear in the book. Originally a cover from the dfc (and actually relating to events from the SECOND Monkey Nuts book) it shows our intrepid heroes having a few problems with their shipwrecked HQ.
Here's a sneak peek at one of the splash pages that appear in the book. Originally a cover from the dfc (and actually relating to events from the SECOND Monkey Nuts book) it shows our intrepid heroes having a few problems with their shipwrecked HQ.
Friday, 20 August 2010
13 days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
The release of The Diamond Egg of Wonders is just 13 days away, folks! Stay tuned as very soon we'll be posting up news about our launch party in London, but for now just keep the 7th October free...!
In the meantime, here's a few more shots of the book itself, and the Monkey Nuts crime trike!!!

In the meantime, here's a few more shots of the book itself, and the Monkey Nuts crime trike!!!

Thursday, 19 August 2010
On a recent trip to Switzerland I witnessed something I have not seen since those halcyon days of Beano and Dandy dominance in the late 80's and early 90's ... a comic product being advertised on television. My eyes grew wide as images of Asterix, Largo Winch and Blacksad flitted across a screen in a busy bar. I put down my frosty beverage and stared ... I HAD to have this thing - whatever it was!
It is almost impossible to describe how cool this thing is. A weekly encyclopedic, pre-hole punched, 40-page guide to anything and everything in the world of European comics. Just look at some of the contents (apologies for the repro quality of these pics!)
From previews of yet-to-be-released books, to interviews with the most talented creators in the business, explorations of the creative process, historical analysis of defining moments in the medium, and SO much more, this magazine has it ALL! Plus you get a free art print with every weekly issue!
Now for the very good and the VERY bad. The good is the price point of the launch issue...
ONE Swiss franc ... or 99 cents ... or 70p!!!! HOLY MOLY what a bargain.
And as for the bad? It's only available in France and Belgium.
Trust me, if you live abroad and can place an order for this little gem, then do so AT ONCE!
You'll thank me. Because comics have never been THIS much fun!
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
15 days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
Oh! Oh! It's just around the corner! Have you picked up your copy yet? My post last week reminded me that I had never shown a proper-sized shot of that prison interior, so here it is in all it's glory, enjoy!
More VERY soon!
More VERY soon!
Monday, 16 August 2010
16 Days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
There's no denying it. As we draw ever closer to the launch of Sid and Rivet's first adventure, Monkey Nuts fever has begun to sweep across the world, captivating fans of all ages!
But don't take our (somewhat biased) word for it - believe the evidence presented before your very own eyes!
Case Study #1 - This discerning little chap is Rocco Lavender.
He lives in Morzine, France, where he cares for his two elderly parents (Chris and Helen, also pictured).
He is 17 weeks old ... and he KNOWS what he likes!
(My hand was simply there to stop the sheer weight of our comic wonder from dragging Rocco off his perch!)
Case Study #2 - Meet Finley Mannering, 10 weeks and counting. Currently residing in a palatial mountain retreat of his own design.
Fin was so distraught to discover that he still had two weeks to wait before his press agent, Milly (pictured), would be able to secure him a copy that he immediately took to the hard stuff.
Poor little sod.
NB: No beer or babies were spilt in the making of this blog post.
But don't take our (somewhat biased) word for it - believe the evidence presented before your very own eyes!
Case Study #1 - This discerning little chap is Rocco Lavender.
He lives in Morzine, France, where he cares for his two elderly parents (Chris and Helen, also pictured).
He is 17 weeks old ... and he KNOWS what he likes!
(My hand was simply there to stop the sheer weight of our comic wonder from dragging Rocco off his perch!)
Case Study #2 - Meet Finley Mannering, 10 weeks and counting. Currently residing in a palatial mountain retreat of his own design.
Fin was so distraught to discover that he still had two weeks to wait before his press agent, Milly (pictured), would be able to secure him a copy that he immediately took to the hard stuff.
Poor little sod.
NB: No beer or babies were spilt in the making of this blog post.
Etherington Bros interviewed in FRONT magazines' "Best Jobs EVER" feature!
Morning everybody! Well, how's about this...
Gentleman's Monthly FRONT magazine has a big feature in their current issue (No 146) called "The best jobs EVER" and guess which two comic scribbling brethren they've interviewed as part of it. Erm...US!
Obviously, this is not a magazine for children, seeing as it features a lot of boobies, but I thought you'd all appreciate us representing in this manner! The article is very cool, and other jobs covered include Director, Stunt Man, Record Label Boss to name but a few, so we're in very good company! Many thanks to Front for putting us in their bonkers mag, we're proud to be in there!
Making comics for a living...officially AWESOME!
Gentleman's Monthly FRONT magazine has a big feature in their current issue (No 146) called "The best jobs EVER" and guess which two comic scribbling brethren they've interviewed as part of it. Erm...US!
Obviously, this is not a magazine for children, seeing as it features a lot of boobies, but I thought you'd all appreciate us representing in this manner! The article is very cool, and other jobs covered include Director, Stunt Man, Record Label Boss to name but a few, so we're in very good company! Many thanks to Front for putting us in their bonkers mag, we're proud to be in there!
Making comics for a living...officially AWESOME!
Friday, 13 August 2010
20 days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
20 days to go until Monkey Nuts: The Diamond Egg of Wonders is released! Another little preview today, here we have a scene in the Spike Island Maximum Security Prison. Oooooh....!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
23 Days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
Here's a little something VERY special for you fans and fanettes out there.
You see this window...
On the 7th October, from 6:30pm to 9pm, this window (and the entire bookshop) will be OURS!
And the best part of the deal - you're ALL invited to the party!!!!
Full details will follow shortly along with More Monkey Nuts Month Madness as it breaks.
You see this window...
On the 7th October, from 6:30pm to 9pm, this window (and the entire bookshop) will be OURS!
And the best part of the deal - you're ALL invited to the party!!!!
Full details will follow shortly along with More Monkey Nuts Month Madness as it breaks.
24 days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
24 days to the launch of Monkey Nuts: The Diamond Egg of Wonders! Today's post is a little breakdown of the layers of the Chump Town Bank reveal page. Enjoy!
Friday, 6 August 2010
27 days until Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders!
H-okay, so I'm going to do my best to dedicate this coming month purely to MONKEY NUTS: the Diamond Egg of Wonders, since September the 2nd is national Monkey Nuts day, due to the launch of the first book in the series.
You can expect previews of the book, behind the scenes goodies, and lots of other such things. Oh, and you can buy the book HERE!
Lets' start off then, with a few previews of the interior of the book...

You can expect previews of the book, behind the scenes goodies, and lots of other such things. Oh, and you can buy the book HERE!
Lets' start off then, with a few previews of the interior of the book...

Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Making Waves - 'Formers style!
Tremble, Pathetic Earthlings, before the might of mighty me - that's MEGATRON!
(In absolutely no way am I actually Robin masquerading as a Decepticon Overlord.)
I COMMAND you to purchase the latest and greatest issue of Titan's Transformers Comic (available NOW from all good newsagents!) featuring a thrilling story about my loyal lieutenant, Soundwave, and a battle across TIME!
The human artist known as Jon Davis-Hunt has done a remarkable job in capturing the enigmatic power of a Decepticon in flight (as in 'flying' NOT 'running away' ... although he does seem to be running away in a few of the panels....)
And just look at his sonic cannons in action! Truly we are unbeatable!
I don't know who this hack human transcriber, Robin Etherington, thinks he is (he's certainly not ME) but he's recorded the action quite admirably. For a meat bag.
I SHALL RETURN ... when that traitorous Starscream will be up to his old tricks again ... honestly ... why don't I just throw him into the Sun?...
(In absolutely no way am I actually Robin masquerading as a Decepticon Overlord.)
I COMMAND you to purchase the latest and greatest issue of Titan's Transformers Comic (available NOW from all good newsagents!) featuring a thrilling story about my loyal lieutenant, Soundwave, and a battle across TIME!
The human artist known as Jon Davis-Hunt has done a remarkable job in capturing the enigmatic power of a Decepticon in flight (as in 'flying' NOT 'running away' ... although he does seem to be running away in a few of the panels....)
And just look at his sonic cannons in action! Truly we are unbeatable!
I don't know who this hack human transcriber, Robin Etherington, thinks he is (he's certainly not ME) but he's recorded the action quite admirably. For a meat bag.
I SHALL RETURN ... when that traitorous Starscream will be up to his old tricks again ... honestly ... why don't I just throw him into the Sun?...
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Find Chaffy!
YES-YES! Find Chaffy day is nearly upon us!
In two days time we will all be celebrating the release of Jamie Smart's Awesome new book FIND CHAFFY! I had hoped to do a brand new piece of artwork to celebrate, but current busyness has prohibited me. I did, however manage to rustle up these cutting edge super modern promotional images to help spread the word. Now GO HERE and buy the book! YAY!
In two days time we will all be celebrating the release of Jamie Smart's Awesome new book FIND CHAFFY! I had hoped to do a brand new piece of artwork to celebrate, but current busyness has prohibited me. I did, however manage to rustle up these cutting edge super modern promotional images to help spread the word. Now GO HERE and buy the book! YAY!
Monday, 2 August 2010
A busy month...
So, this is a huge month both for us as a studio, and for me personally!
Work-wise, we're finishing our new book Baggage, getting things ready for the launch of Monkey Nuts: The diamond Egg of Wonders on the 2nd September, starting work on our new book series and getting things in place for an ongoing promo tour. Rather more importantly, I'm also getting married at the end of the month, so as you can imagine, a few things are going to get neglected for the the next four weeks or so. Stick with us, and it'll all be back to normal soon!
Work-wise, we're finishing our new book Baggage, getting things ready for the launch of Monkey Nuts: The diamond Egg of Wonders on the 2nd September, starting work on our new book series and getting things in place for an ongoing promo tour. Rather more importantly, I'm also getting married at the end of the month, so as you can imagine, a few things are going to get neglected for the the next four weeks or so. Stick with us, and it'll all be back to normal soon!
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