I know we're a little early here - the big day being 18th March - but I'm ready to start the ball rolling.

Ahem. Nuff said. Oh, and I do have front teeth by the way. Honest.
Anyway, it's an extra special Red Nose Day this year as Comic Relief has a MONSTER theme! Regular Etherington readers will know we have a bit of a 'thing' for monstrous critters so I was delighted when my dear wife brought home my very own HONKUS. Three different nosey varieties can be found in your nearest Sainsbury's, Oxfam branch or via the online store - Honkus, Chucklechomp (glasses) and Captain Conk.
Here they are in a wine glass. Just coz.
There are a million and one things you can do to raise money, individually, in groups and at school, and Teachers can get there hands on a wealth of free resources HERE!
But Red Nose Day is also about having fun and this year see's the launch of the Little Monster Noses' Academy of Fun, which is every bit as excellent as it sounds. Kids can have an absolute blast exploring the site and can keep the fun going by ordering their own free Monster Book of Fun Fundraising kit HERE!