But who cares about the trophies - this was one WHOPPING great book sale!
Good to see that pile of Beano annuals above.
After ten hours of frantic selling, we Etheringtons took to the stage and spent an exceptionally enjoyable hour bumping the prices of rare editions, special editions, signed hardbacks and other unique book-based goodies.
Do you want to see what a couple of professional auctioneers look like? Um...

Anyway, what was it all in aid of? Well, four very clever students (seen on the stage above - left to right, Jack, Tej, Rose and Elizabeth) had managed, through skill and determination, to reach the world championship finals of the Kids Lit Quiz, a most prestigious event being held in .... New Zealand!
With no budget to pay for the flights, Lucy Shepherd - the school's event co-ordinator - leapt into action and organised the entire thing in a matter of months. She even managed to convince the children to help us!
While Tej commentated from the stage and explained the finer points of bidding, Rose and Elizabeth brought a little flair and glamour to the selling process.
And as for young Jack ... well, there was only one job he wanted!
The day was a resounding success, raising over £4000, and every donated book that didn't sell was given to Amnesty International to redistribute. Everyone's a winner!
Many thanks to Lucy and all the staff of Bristol Grammar for putting on such a great show and for inviting us to be a part of the action.
(Photos provided courtesy of Graham Fellows.)