It's a double-dose, EPIC news Friday, folks!
At the very second that this post went live (2pm GMT precisely) the Phoenix, the UK's weekly story comic, took to the digital skies in an incandescent arc of awesomeness. "What does that mean in English", you say? Well, dear readers, it means that everyone in the WORLD can finally get their mitts on this brilliant title, with thanks to the Phoenix digital comic. First you download the app, then you upload laughs and thrills and scares and shocks and adventures beyond your wildest dreams.
Best of all, the app is free. Go HERE to grab yours NOW, then spread the word on twitter, facebook and the school playground.
And there's MORE - the Phoenix is offering all quick-thinking new readers a VERY SPECIAL OFFER - 6 months of the digital comic for just £9.99!!! But the offer only lasts until the 11th of January, so act fast or kick yourself later!!!! Grab the deal HERE.
And the Phoenix joy just keeps on coming, as 2013 kicks off with Issue 53 and the return of our very own LONG GONE DON!
With a special cover, a what-happened-in-book-1 catchup, and the very first chapter in a massive 17-part adventure, it's a 5-PAGE Don-flavoured feast for your eyes. And if you like the way the new story starts, get ready, folks ----- you haven't seen ANYTHING yet!