Thursday 11 September 2014
Brand New Release! Let's Make Comics - OUT NOW!
It's been a busy production year for us Etheringtons, with the release of the first Von Doogan and Long Gone Don graphic adventures, new book covers from Lorenzo and dozens of comic stories all over the place (not to mention all the projects we CAN'T yet talk about).
But now we're another exciting new book title to announce, and this time for our youngest readers.
Today sees the release of Let's Make Comics, published by Oxford University Press as part of their Reading Tree inFact range. It has been written by me and illustrated by the ever-fantastic Zak Simmonds-Hurn.
This colourful fun-filled guide was created to give younger readers, aged 4-7, a great introduction to making and creating a comic strip story. Through ten easy-to-digest chapters we cover the basics from Bright Ideas to Bubbles, from Scribbling to Sound Effects, and every page is lovingly brought to life by Zak's fantastic art ... and our very own superhero bear, Captain POW!
We'll be sharing more samples and news about the book later this month, but if you've a young son, daughter, nephew, niece, brother or sister who loves to draw and write, THIS little book holds the key to opening their minds to the excitement of comics. And that's no bad thing!
You can order individual copies via Amazon, and a mixed pack for your school (including five other amazing books!) via the OUP site HERE!
- Robin