If you are free and up for some fun, Lorenzo and I will be travelling to Cheltenham for the annual Literature festival on the 4th October to perform our live show shenanigans in conjunction with the mighty Phoenix Comic, and generally have a hoot.
For those of you unfamiliar with Cheltenham, is a cracking festival, with a huge array of talented writers and speakers, comedians and performers, for adults and children alike. Lots to see, lots to do, lots of inspiration for young minds and old. And they have a rather tasty green room for the attendees too...
Even more awesome than free cake (!) is the fact that this festival will mark our very first public signing session for Long Gone Don. Everyone present will be able to get their copies of the Monstrous Underworld, and Von Doogan's first amazing puzzle adventure, sketched and signed by us both. WHOOP!

And if that's not a reason to get out of bed and travel to Gloucestershire, then I don't know what is.
Hope to see you on the 4th of October! Tickets are selling fast but there are still some available HERE!