Friday 12 January 2018

MASSIVE #LEARNUARY NEWS! Announcing How to THINK when you ... WRITE!!!!!

SOOOOOO excited about this! Very, very VERY VERY VERY pleased to announce the beginning of a BRAND NEW How to Think series being launched today exclusively for #LEARNUARY, called How to THINK when you WRITE, with Robin!

As you know, I'm the ART half of the Etherington Brothers, but all our stories, books, scripts etc are written by my awesome bro. Robin has worked professionally in virtually EVERY AVENUE of writing for the entertaiment industry, including screen writing for the BBC, comics for Disney, Dreamworks and Aardman, he's written Illustrated novels, ACTUAL grown-up novels (those are the books without pictures, folks!) animation scripts, newspaper strips, stage shows, as well as writing ALL OUR BOOKS for the past 10 years.

We know that many of you who follow our tutorials aren't just designing and illustrating your own comics, books, games and animations, a LOT of you are WRITING them too. As you can imagine, I'm pretty chuffed Robin's bringing all his tutorials to YOU for FREE, to help you skill up your writing and have a ton of fun discovering the joys of crafting stories the Etherington way!

Scroll down for EPISODES ONE and TWO, and keep that dial tuned to the e-bros for LOTS more...!
