Tuesday 20 February 2018

How to THINK when you draw CATERPILLAR TRACKS tutorial

Today's tutorial is How to THINK When You Draw CATERPILLAR and TANK TRACKS!

And here's a HUGE set of CATCHUP LINKS to all our content from this week's #SkillUpSunday: we posted THIS MASSIVE SET of SKIRT REFS, and this HUGE SET OF HANDS, a page of game art of CASTLE DOORWAYS and STONEWORK, and a tutorial on HOW TO DRAW EYES!  Join us on Twitter HERE this sunday for even more!

Tutorials BOOK coming to KICKSTARTER March 2018, just mail "Add me, Lorenzo!" to misterlorenzoboy@yahoo.co.uk to be on the launch day mailing list - best chance to get ORIGINAL ART with your books :)
