Saturday 12 January 2019

How to THINK when you write SOUND EFFECTS tutorial #LEARNUARY DAY TWELVE!

Day 12 of #LEARNUARY has arrived.

Today's subject is very close to my heart. I've been writing and lettering comic books for fifteen years and I take immense pleasure in each and every word I place on the page ... but some words are simply MORE pleasurable than others, SOUND EFFECTS in particular.

So, let's get down to the wonderful business of KABOOM.


TWO Tutorials BOOKS coming to KICKSTARTER MARCH 2019, just mail "Add me, Robin!" to to be on the SECRET LAUNCH WEEK MAILING LIST - best way to avoid MISSING OUT on the books, as they're ONLY AVAILABLE on KICKSTARTER!

JOIN IN with #LEARNUARY by posting up YOUR OWN tutorials, or by checking out the TONS of additional tutorials, tips and references going up on OUR TWITTER throughout the day today and EVERY DAY THIS MONTH!!
