Tuesday 1 October 2019

WHAT?!! You say the KICKSTARTER launches THIS MONTH?!! Whoop!!!! Let's draw some LAMP POSTS!

It's getting clooooooser!

Here's How to THINK when you draw LAMP POSTS!

We're doing a SPECIAL REPRINT of BOTH of my record-breaking sold out drawing tutorials BOOKS, which will be available for JUST A FEW WEEKS, in the HIGHER TIERS of Robin's KICKSTARTER, coming on a  TOP SECRET DATE  THIS MONTH!  My DRAWING tutorials books will NOT BE made available IN SHOPS or ONLINE outside of Kickstarter for at least the next TWO YEARS!

Don't forget to join us on OUR TWITTER TODAY for LOADS more tutorials and references!
And if you want EVEN MORE, here's a link to 200 TWO HUNDRED FREE TUTORIALS!
