Wednesday 31 March 2021

A brand new WRITE tutorial ... and just ONE WEEK to go on our latest Kickstarter campaign!

#WORDYWEDNESDAY is back with How to think when you WRITE FEEDBACK. We're not talking about actually writing feedback, but rather receiving it. The act of sharing our work with others, with the intention of improving it is not an easy task, but it's a vital one! 

In other news there are only SEVEN DAYS TO GO before our latest Kickstarter campaign draws to a close. This means you've just seven days to get your hands on all five volumes in the HOW TO THINK series, including the first WRITE book. 

Head over HERE now to see what all the fuss is about. And for a sample of what my book contains, take a look at the first 225 HOW TO THINK WHEN YOU WRITE TUTORIALS!

Updated WEEKLY - available FOREVER!
