It seems like only yesterday that we announced our next book, Monkey Nuts and the Diamond Egg of Wonders was to be part of the pre-Christmas wave of DFC Library titles. Today we have immense pleasure in sharing the news that Sid and Rivet’s first grand monster-besting adventure can now be pre-ordered online from Amazon.co.uk.
Featuring page after page of sumptuous art and frenetic action this book is a must have for anyone who falls into the following categories:
(1) You’re a fan of humorous all-ages adventure comics.
(2) You need a good giggle, a belly laugh and a pick-me-up.
(3) You like pretty, pretty pictures with more mind-blowing detail than your eyes can comprehend.
(4) You’ve made it your life’s goal to gather and categorise the complete works of The Etherington Brothers.
(5) You like Monkeys.
(6) You don’t dislike Robots.
(7) You need to find the perfect present for an 8-11 year old, especially if it’s a boy who’s refusing to read.
(8) You’ve pennies in your pocket and you’ve just realised that you’re staring at the deal of the decade.
(9) You’re addicted to - buythisbookbuythisbookbuythisbook - subliminal advertising.
(10) You know us or you owe us.
GO HERE – Or click the banner at the top of the page to order yourself a fried slice of sequential gold.
Tell your friends, your enemies and random folks you meet on the streets – the Nuts is a-coming!