Right, I hope to see any of you folks who are in the area on Friday, the night runs from 6pm - 10pm at the Weapon of Choice Gallery here in Bristol.
See you there!
Show blurb:
"One Man Army unceremoniously opens up the bizarre mind of comic book artist Lorenzo! and spills it all across the walls of the Weapon of Choice Gallery. Featuring a series of graphic portraits of individuals who fall comfortably into the category of "best left alone" this cast of miscreants are a visual snapshot of Dark Pop for the post-Gorillaz generation. Alongside the seven big new paintings are a series of exclusive ONE OF ONE prints, restored from the archives and splashed with all the colours in the paint box that the other kids were too scared to use. Expect robots, monkeys, robot monkeys, the undead and the soon-to-be-dead. This is Uranium at Lead prices."