Neither of us were envisaging a peaceful country walk but as we approached the venue we found ourselves strolling along a lovely lane populated by strange beasts like THESE!
But baking sunshine and mangy horses aside, we had work to do.
Arriving at the school we were met by Becky Harrison, Brimsham's study centre manager (and kind soul who invited us in the first place!), and taken to the school library. It was a fantastic, airy building and a perfect space for our workshops. It even featured electronic skylights ... which was unexpected.
I'm sure you've spotted the theme by now but there were more unexpected treats to come.
First up, our rider. Now, we're used to the odd sandwich or biscuit and cup of coffee, but Brimsham went the extra mile.
Sandwiches, biscuits, grapes, bananas, coffee and DOUGHNUTS!!!
What a bag.
Eventually Lorenzo stopped eating and we got down to the business of talking comics. Our first group was made up of students from three local primary schools. We had a fantastic session and signed so many copies of Monkey Nuts and our workbooks that we were late for our second class!
As the year 7 students took their places for our final workshop of the day Lorenzo and I took a moment to marvel at the unexpected (see what I did there) seating options available. Apparently, the school has a film club and the giant beanbags seen in the pic above were purchased for screenings.
I now want one. They are awesome.
Many, many thanks to Becky Harrison and all the staff and students of Brimsham Green for making us feel so welcome. We cannot wait to return with BAGGAGE!