Friday 16 March 2012

Lorenzo in Charity Art Auction with Simon Pegg, Raymond Briggs, Stephen Fry, Dame Judi Dench, Rob Ryan and more!

That's right! You have just SIX DAYS from the date of this blog post to bid on an original piece of Lorenzo artwork through the Pushing The Envelope charity initiative. The Charity auction, organised in partnership with those fine folks at the National Literacy Trust, features original artwork and designs from a whole load of celebrities and artists, and this year I was lucky enough to be asked to contribute a piece. Each contributer has created a small original artwork on an envelope, along the theme of inspiration.

To see the full list of who's involved, and check out all their designs, go HERE!

To Check out and bid on my piece, go HERE!

Good luck, and if you win, you get that warm glow of knowing that your payment will go towards very worthy causes such as:

- Providing disadvantaged children with free books, opening up a new world of reading
- Helping parents to support their children's literacy and language skills
- Helping disadvantaged teenagers to improve their communication skills in preparation for working life
- Supporting families and adults with community projects that develop reading and writing skills
